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Posted by didderbops at February 20, 2006 03:54 PM On the other hand, as media inept as Bush is at saying what he wants to say, maybe Bush is on the right track in rejecting the global warming evidence. After media all, if you accept the idea that the earth is warming, you are on your way down this very slippery slope at the media bottom of which is the DOGMA that global warming is largely anthropogenic. The UN, governments, media, and Green groups religiously claim ' the vast majority ' and 'there is consensus' and 'an overwhelming number' of scientists agree that global warming exists, and is largely anthropogenic ( human-caused). A quick search however, reveals that at least 4 declarations totalling more than 17,000 signatures; the Leipzig Declaration , Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming The Heidelberg Appeal and the Oregon Petition ( all found at as a direct result of the scientific communities' disagreement with the current global warming dogma (which now goes back close to 20 years), and/or disagreeing with the IPCC's "Summary for Policymakers".