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Tareco, and V. Loureiro.  1997. Fatty acid profiling:  A feasible typing system to trace yeast contamination in win bottling plants.  Int. J. Food Microbiol. 38(2-3):143-55. Martinez, A.T., J.M. Barrasa, A. Prieto, and M.N. Blanco.  1991.  Fatty acid composition and taxonomic status of Ganoderma australe from southern Chile.  Mycol. Res.  95(7): 782-784. Mueller, M.M., R.Kantola, fat bottom girls lyrics and V. Kitunen.  1994.  Combining sterol and fat bottom girls lyrics fatty acid profiles for the characterization of fungi.  Mycol. Res. 98(6):593-603. .Paulsrud, J.R.,  S.F. Queener, M.S. Bartlett, and J.W. Smith. 1993. Total cellular fatty acid composition of cultured fat bottom girls lyrics Pneumocystis carinii.  J, Clin, Microbiol.  31(7):1899-1902. Saito, T. and H. Ochiai. 1998. Fatty acid composition of the cellular slime mold  Polysphondylium pallidum.  Lipids. 33(3):327-32. Senior, I.J., D.W. Hollomon, and P.J.
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