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Nutrition Reports International 12 (3): 121-135. Kelley, D.S. and Potter, V.R. (1977) Amino Acid Concentrating Ability of Slowly Growing Autochthonous Hepatomas and Host Livers. plump white Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 75 plump white (2): 219-225. Kelley, D.S., Becker, J.E. and Potter, V.R. (1978) Effect of Insulin, Dexamethasone and Glucagon on the Amino Acid Transport Ability of Four Rat Hepatoma Cell Lines and Rat Hepatocytes in Culture, Cancer Research. 38: 4591-4600. Kelley, D.S. and Potter, V.R. (1978) Regulation of plump white Amino Acid Transport Systems by Amino Acid Depletion and Supplementation in Monolayer Cultures of Rat Hepatocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 253: 9009-9014. Kelley, D.S. and Potter, V.R. (1979) Repression, Derepression, Trans-inhibition and Trans-stimulation of Amino Acid Transport in Rat Hepatocytes and Four Rat Hepatoma Cell Lines in Culture.
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