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 The guests were the film crew for the fat girls pictures popular Japanese TV show, 'Give Us A Break," which is fronted by personality Koji Ishizaka.  Crew coordinator Naomi Madea said the Japanese audience would find the meal interesting.  'Japanese are very caring about food shortage. fat girls pictures  If we have a food shortage maybe insects will be put into our diet." she said.  Some tinned insects, like locusts and the aquatic Dobson fly larvae are available in Japan.  The aim, said Chef fat girls pictures Anderson, is to make the insects appealing to the eye.  "You eat with your eyes first" He said he quite likes the taste of bugs, but isn't planning to offer insect dishes in his restaurant. Walkingstick lnsects -- A Query:    Thomas Sloan (1617 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94703-1237) is trying to determine whether it's fact or fancy that there are (or were) people in Southeast Asia who feed (or fed) guava leaves to walkingsticks (Order Phasmotodea),.
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