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in patients with alcoholic liver disease (82%), the ratio also exceeds three in 32% of nonalcoholics in one study.8 In another study,7 ratios of more than one are seen in 40% of nonalcoholics. Bilirubin levels are usually normal,3,6,8,9 and hyperbilirubinemia that barely exceeds 25 to 35 mmol/L is found in 12% to 17% of patients.8,9 Alkaline transfusions phosphatase levels are modestly elevated in 39% to 59% of the patients.6,9 Hypoalbuminemia and hypoprothrombinemia are unusual.3,8,9 Immunoserologic findings compatible with autoimmune hepatitis are transfusions commonly present with primary NASH. Hypergammaglobulinemia is present in transfusions 13% to 30% of patients with primary NASH.6,13 Smooth muscle antibodies are absent but antinuclear antibodies, ranging in titer from 1:40 to 1:320, are reported in 40% of patients.13 Hyperlipemia (hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia) is found in about 20% of the patients overall.2,8 In a group of overweight patients (150 to 300% of ideal weight for height), lipoprotein abnormalities, particularly type IV hyperlipidemia are common (54%) and are mostly found in the those with less fibrotic lesions.