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1998. Trans fatty acids in bakery products from 14 European countries: The plump sex TRANSFAIR Study. J Food Comp Anal 11:161–169. van Houwelingen AC, Hornstra G. 1994. Trans fatty acids in early human plump sex development. World Rev Nutr Diet 75:175–178. van Houwelingen AC, Sørensen JD, Hornstra G, Simonis MMG, Boris J, Olsen SF, Secher NJ. 1995. Essential fatty acid status in neonates after fish-oil supplementation plump sex during late pregnancy. Br J Nutr 74:723–731. van Poppel G, van Erp-baart M-A, Leth T, Gevers E, Van Amelsvoort J, Lanzmann-Petithory D, Kafatos A, Aro A. 1998. Trans fatty acids in foods in Europe: The TRANSFAIR Study. J Food Comp Anal 11:112–136. Veierød MB, Laake P, Thelle DS. 1997.
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