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Now, whether this result is the one we WANT, and whether it will be ENOUGH......nobody really masturbate knows for sure. We already know that the earth's climate is cyclical, and that much of what we see will happen regardless of human intervention ANYHOW. We need to remember that the most economically deprived among us will be the first to suffer under a worldwide CARBON TAX (3rd World residents). That's just ONE of the thorny problems masturbate the UN hasn't figured out how to deal with yet. Under the guidelines drawn up by masturbate the Kyoto Accord we intend to CARBON TAX the hell out of 1) Canada ( the worst offender per capita, merely because of where they decided to pitch their tents, north of the 49th Parallel), and 2) The USA, the largest carbon Emmitter. France, who HAS pushed this thing pretty hard, stands to do pretty well (what a surprise), as 78% of it's electricity is generated by nuclear energy. Go figure. Can you say Worldwide WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION plan, Jess ? That is the ultimate result, of total implementation the Kyoto Accord.