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Speaking of the ( GAD!) 1992 Statement by Atmospheric Scientists, did the environment stop working in the same way since then ? Somebody said maybe they saw big green clouds rising out of fat pussy tgp the Antarctic, with smiley faces on them. Did you see those ? Did all those people who signed the Statement have to go fat pussy tgp back to school because the climate changed so much since 1992 ? Was all that satellite and ground station data stuff, ice shelf data, and rainfall data stuff all newly invented since 1992 fat pussy tgp ? I must have missed that. The fact is, the science of climate research has not changed fundamentally since 1992, so we don't quite see your point. All that has changed, is that the forecasting models utilized by the IPCC have overestimated the temperature rise time and time again since 1987, so that they have to keep adjusting their models to fit reality.