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Just took a look at your site, Randall. "Well rounded?" Are you serious? While questioning anthropogentic causes for global warming is certainly not by definition biased, the website you linked clearly has one goal - to highlight only one side of the debate. You're a fraud. Posted by: Talking point detective at February 21, 2006 casino huren 04:10 PM Hey casino huren TPD The recent United Nations casino huren Climate Change Conference in Montreal was a real head-bashing of top scientists, I see. I'm sure Les Cowboys and Kid Koala contributed greatly to the Global-Warming Knowledge Bank. I wonder why there was no open debate on the issues in Montreal ? Have they got it all figured out already? If they did, how come they didn't tell everybody? Maybe they did tell everbody, but not me. I'm always the last to know. Why did the Canadian government have to spend more than a $7 million dollars, which included advertising the event as 'A high-energy event, titled “Too Hot to Handle,” featuring some of Quebec coolest acts, including Les Cowboys Fringants, Kid Koala, and The Stills, as well as celebrity MCs Mitsou ', among others ?