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Suggested Use: Mix 4 oz. of water or your favorite beverage per 1 rounded scoop. To obtain MAXIMUM results use the following table to determine how much Nitro XP™ you should use. Bodyweight / # of scoops to use Up to 150 lbs. 1 scoop 151 – 200 lbs. 1.5 scoops 201 – 250 lbs. 2 plump nude women scoops 251+ lbs. plump nude women 2.5 scoops As your activity level increases, so does your body’s protein usage. Therefore, the more active you are, the greater the number of times you need to take Nitro plump nude women XP™ per day. We recommend competitive athletes use 2 to 4 servings daily for improved performance. Stacking Option: For performance and endurance: Stack with Nitro V/M Plus™ Competition Formula with ZMA and Nitro Cell Drive™ For accelerated fat loss: Stack our Nitro Burn Extreme™ and Nitro Burn Extreme PM™ or Nitro GH™. Current Reviews: 1 This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 13 April, 2005.
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