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Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Aug;11(6):212-7.(B)   LEPTIN IMPROVES INSULIN RESISTANCELafontan M., Fat cells: afferent and efferent messages define new approaches to treat obesity. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2005;45:119-46. [op cit].(12) DIETARY FACTORS MAY PROMOTE INFLAMMATION(A)  SUGAR: HIGH GLYCEMIC LOAD IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED C-REACTIVE PROTEIN: Liu S, Manson JE, Buring JE, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, easy diet Ridker PM., Relation between a diet with a high glycemic load and plasma concentrations easy diet of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in middle-aged women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Mar;75(3):492-8.(B)   FATS: SATURATED FAT INTAKE IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED C-REACTIVE PROTEINKing DE, Egan BM, easy diet Geesey ME., Relation of dietary fat and fiber to elevation of C-reactive protein. Am J Cardiol. 2003 Dec 1;92(11):1335-9.(C)  TRANS FAT CONSUMPTION IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED C-REACTIVE PROTEINMozaffarian D, Pischon T, Hankinson SE, Rifai N, Joshipura K, Willett WC, Rimm EB.,
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