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What are the best foods to keep me feeling full? I also need to loose over 100 lbs. fat girls pussy A: Barb Troy - Hi Wally, The first thing I thought of for you fat girls pussy is fiber rich foods. Your blood sugar control may be easier if the carbs you select are rich in fiber b/c this blunts the blood sugar response. Higher fiber in the diet can also help you feel fuller (b/c it swells like a sponge fat girls pussy in the GI tract) without providing Calories. (Fiber provides only very slight amounts of Calories b/c they are mostly indigestible.) But be sure to drink plenty of water when increasing fiber intake, to allow that swelling to occur. FYI: Fiber rich foods are plant based....legumes (like kidney, pinto or red beans), fruits, veggies and whole grains. Shoot for 25-38 grams of fiber daily. (You can do a google search for lists of fiber content in foods.)
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