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This underlines the importance of weight management in the reduction of CAD risk. Unfortunately, the effects of low-fat diets on body weight over the long term are uncertain fatty acid companies ecplaza (99). The introduction of low-fat, high-carbohydrate foods in the United States does not appear to have reduced caloric intake; rather, carbohydrates seem to have been added to existing intakes. However, fatty acid companies ecplaza further studies on the long-term fatty acid companies ecplaza effect of high-carbohydrate diets on body weight are urgently needed. Thus, it is not certain whether weight loss per se is a strong argument for replacing fat with carbohydrates. Without doubt, reducing the high prevalence of obesity should be a major public health target, but increased intakes of carbohydrates could be shown to be insufficient to counter the effects of low energy expenditure and high caloric intake that characterize modern societies. Dietary fat and other risk factors High-fat diets lower fasting triacylglycerol concentrations, which may reduce cardiovascular disease risk (85), but they also increase postprandial concentrations of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins, which are positively associated with CAD risk (100).