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Nicholas Perricone and others. Alpha linolenic acid (omega-3), however, is metabolized in the body to EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosa-hexaenoic acid), which serve as precursors to specific prostaglandins, which promote healthy blood vessel function. These omega-3 fatty acids are called anti-inflammatory. The essential fatty acids, ALA, EPA and DHA have also been associated with healthy lipid levels, and have all been noted as cardiovascular recruit supportive fats. Consider the Source recruit Flax seed oil is also a great alternative for vegetarians, vegans, and individuals recruit who don't eat fish or choose not to supplement their diet with fish oil. However, alpha linoleic acid from flax seed oil is not sufficiently converted to EPA/DHA by the body, so a vegetarian source of DHA, called Neuromins DHA, derived from microalgae is available in supplement form.